The design and CG campaign Vladislav directed for the Ruroc's brand-new snow sports "Lite" helmet. All content Vladislav was working on was supposed to emphasize the futuristic and crisp design of this helmet and its goggles. Following the product's philosophy, he tried to reflect its character and create an energetic and minimalistic CGI. Special attention was given to the helmet's materials as I tried to make them be as close to the real samples as possible. Also, Vladislav had a pleasure to prepare a lot of content for the website and all social networks. The full production of this campaign took 4 months which at the end became one of the most interesting and complex projects he’s ever had a chance to work on.
Design / Direction / CG / Editing / Sound Editing: Vladislav Solovjov
Helmet Design: Matteo Vikingo Marconi, Doug Causer, Adam Taylor
Helmet Modelling: Matteo Vikingo Marconi, Doug Causer
Client: Ruroc
Year: 2020